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Individual LEADERS

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Leadership Intensive

Your complex background greatly influences your ability and capacity to lead well. Yet, few leaders take the time to explore how that background can impact their leadership.


Set yourself apart by gaining critical insights about yourself through The Leadership Intensive.


The Intensive recognizes that you are a complex combination of the personality you were born with, the life experiences you have had, and the intentional choices you have made.


All these influences impact your ability to lead.


By the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of how various life experiences shaped you, a clear understanding of your Myers-Briggs personality assessment, and greater clarity around how you function in various situations - both at work and outside of work. Don't wait to unpack insights that will help you reach your potential as a person and as a leader.

"Look outside and you will see yourself. Look inside and you will find yourself."

  -- Drew Gerald

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

  -- Carl Jung


Leadership Training provides solutions to your biggest challenges

Do you want leadership development but are short on time?

Leadership Training provides simple, powerful visual tools to improve your leadership, gain confidence in your leadership ability, and become a leader worth following.

For just $97/mo. you get access to the training AND to group coaching calls where you can ask clarifying questions and hear others grappling with similar leadership challenges.

"Early on I’m gaining better insight regarding my strengths and weaknesses, how they affect my team, and what I need to do to become a more balanced and effective leader."

- Lynn Colsson

Clicking "Get Started" will take you to a external checkout page.

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Executive coaching helps leaders get unstuck, process difficult decisions, and face challenging situations. A coach is a safe resource who is on your side and wants to see you be the best leader you can be.


Explore and process leadership insights with a trained coach that provides essential questions to improve your leadership quickly. Our coaches are certified through the International Coaching Federation and GiANT Worldwide, as well as a variety of other certifications, to provide you with a highly professional experience.


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